At the beginning of the year our preschool team develops long-term goals and teaching strategies for all children’s learning based on:
We value shared leadership and a team approach to working with children. While all educators are involved in planning for children’s learning, we believe it is important that your child has a primary educator to form that initial attachment and provide a contact for the sharing of information. Primary educators plan parent/educator meetings in February and July each year.
Our curriculum is founded on co-programming with children with an emphasis on representing ‘Children’s Voices’ in a variety of ways that are meaningful for them. We display learning using Individual Learning Journals, Group Projects / Provocations, Creative Arts displays and our Floor Book. Partnerships are paramount and reflected through a welcoming environment which represents the identities of children and their families ie: framed family photographs.
Our daily routine includes a Morning Greeting where children and educators mark the roll and discuss the rhythm of the day, promoting a sense of belonging and ownership within our preschool environment. We may also use our Floor Book to document plans for the day and emerging interests. Small Group Times are planned each morning based on children’s interests/learning goals and facilitate exploration of new and more familiar materials with adult support. Our day also includes larger group times which are generally planned around language/drama and music/movement experiences. Inside/Outside play occurs throughout the morning and provides opportunity for children to pursue their interests in their preferred environments. Educators interact with children in experiences, challenging and scaffolding learning. Managed risk-taking is supported. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) inquiry based learning occurs naturally through these interactions.
Relaxation is an important part of wellbeing and also included within our daily routine which comprises a quiet time after lunch each day providing opportunity for children to sleep or rest, and may include Yoga/Relaxation exercises.
Transition to school program
Our Transition to School Program consists of a combination of our play based curriculum as well as some more formal Intentional Teaching group times. We want to ensure that we focus as much on the ‘being’ of children as the ‘becoming’. Through a play based curriculum children are developing many skills which will be beneficial to them at school, such as developing a sense of belonging, social skills necessary for group participation, responding to and coping with change and developing literacy and numeracy skills.
We aim to build reciprocal partnerships with our local primary schools and arrange many opportunities for the children to visit the schools and become familiar with aspects of Primary School, even if it is not the school that they will attend.
Included in our Transition to School Program is a Transition Plan. This plan outlines the actions we will take to ensure we assist in a smooth transition to school for your child and family. This plan is displayed in our preschool room.
A NSW Transition to School Statement is completed for each child prior to commencing kindergarten. This statement includes an educator section, a parent section and a section for your child to add their feelings and ideas about starting school.